
License Plates

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Plates I have considered:


  • Electric Vehicle Plate - some states have this, Massachusetts does not.
  • Antique Plate - Antique registration is perfect for our cars! I'm switching mine to be registered as an antique vehicle(it only has to be 25 years old to be considered an antique). It only costs about $400 dollars a year for insurance. Which is much better than the $1,400 I am currently paying. The 400 dollar insurance includes all the different types of insurance. The catch is that the registration states, that the car can't be a primary form of transportation, only used to educate, or show off(parades). We get around this by being able to say that we educate the public every time we drive our C-Cars because we educate them about the viability of electric cars and their advantages.
  • Vanity Plates - expensive


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