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Saved by Chad Conway
on February 18, 2013 at 3:38:53 pm


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Who is Chad?

       Chad Conway is a senior-engineering student at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.  Chad’s real passion is electric cars.  Starting in his sophomore year in high school he began working on electric car projects.  By his junior year he had completely rebuilt a 1980 electric Comuta-Car that he drives as his primary means of transportation to this day.  This practical experience leads him to believe that electric drive is the most efficient and practical alternative to internal combustion engines.  Chad is keeping well informed of developments in battery technology and dreams of a day when super capacitors will replace chemical energy storage.  Chad’s career goal is to work with an automotive design team, engineering the world’s best electric vehicles.      
     Chad has over six years of experience in the Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Industry including summer internships at Tesla Motors and the MIT Media Lab. During his first stint at Tesla, he took ideas through the engineering design process and finished with production parts that were key components in a Tesla battery pack. Additionally, he managed and organized the prototype battery pack builds. During his second stint at Tesla, he was located in Wymondham, United Kingdom where he traveled throughout Europe investigating and performing failure analysis on battery packs. At MIT, he was fortunate to assist the Smart Cities Group designing the City Car. He is honored at having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and proud of the memorable project that resulted from this effort. He looks forward to making the world a better place through engineering the electric cars of today and of the furture.



Chad can be reached via email at:chadconway@gmail.com




Jalopnik.com: I'm Tesla's New Intern, And This Is My Electric Car


EVcast: #363


Wired.com: EV Restoration Leads to Tesla Motors Internship


Boston Globe: Duxbury Student's Quirky EV Lands Him a Job at Tesla


Edmunds.com: EV Restoration Sets Teen on New Path; Illustrates Three Decades of Progress


Wired.com: Back to the Future in a 1980 ComutaCar EV 


Makezine.com: Electric cars and the smart grid


The Duxbury ClipperElectric (car) Dreams






My Blog


Electric Vehicle Revolution


Electric Vehicle Revolution




Projects and Ideas



Chad Conway's 1980 Comuta-Car


1980 Comuta-Car



Rose-Hulman EcoCAR


What is the True Efficiency of Vehicles? - Presentation


Eagle Scout Project 

Eagle Scout Project



School Stuff

EV News

Greasel Bus

CAD Projects

Sites of Reference


Contact Me: ChadConway@gmail.com






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