
Eagle Scout Project

Page history last edited by Chad Conway 13 years, 10 months ago


Chad Conway's Island Creek Eagle Scout Project

Island Creek Restoration Project - Island Creek Duxbury, MA


frontal view onlyboard5

Pictures: Photo Album


Please contact me to get the complete CAD plans for this project: ChadConway@gmail.com


Thank You

Chad Conway, a member of Boy Scout Troop 62, completed his Eagle Scout Project in 2007. The project consisted of clearing Island Creek of debris to make it more passable for fish, and the creation of the information board and educational material. He designed the structure, compiled the materials to be displayed, and constructed the board with the help of many volunteers. He would like to thank the following for their help and donations: Goodrich Lumber, Scott Sirois, Labrador Services, Duxbury Department of Public Works, Battelle Laboratories, Weston Graphics and Copeland & Sons Lumber Company.


Display Information

I designed and put together the information that is now posted inside of the display case.

Here is the information:





Island Creek Restoration Pamphlet

I created a two fold pamphlet, that is now being dispensed on the information board.

Here is the pamphlet:

pamphlet - outside.pdf

pamphlet - inside.pdf




U- March 13, 2008

U- December 7,2007

U- August 30, 2007

U- August 26, 2007

U- August 29, 2006

U- June 21, 2006

U- April 1, 2006

U- January 5, 2006


Articles in the Duxbury Clipper:


A- June 28, 2006

A- June 21, 2006



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