01-11-07 ENG

Briefly describe the project:


The project is to build a solid state box. With a cardboard box, insulation of some type, a light that is attached to a controller, and a thermometer. Then test the box to see the amount of change between the different types of insulation. In addtion, we have to doccumnet two projects that we completed this term.


What have you accomplished this week?


This week I have organized a full test on the solid state boxes. In this test it took the box that had two inch R-10 foam in the box sixty eight minutes to come to a solid state. The box was at fifty two degrees celcius. Which is somewhere in the one hundred and tweenty degree fahrenheit range. This is compared to the meger threedegrees that te cardboard box with no insulation rose. In addition I documented the solid state box controller. I used a cardboard WB Mason box in order to display our work on the project.


What problems have you overcome this week?


This week I have overcome a couple of problems, first was how to do a complete test of the boxes. I came into class early and set up the boxes to make sure that we had enough time to finish the test. In addition, I have been able to figure out the best configuration to display the controller. I have seperated the parts of the controller and attached them in different areas of the board.


What are the most significant problems you face at this time? What will you do to meet these problems?


A signifigant problem is finnishing a second documantation. Ihave fully completed the first documentation however we still have to complete a second. To complete this Mike and I will stay after and first find out what we will be documenting and then take picktures if nessesary.


What materials or information do you need? How do you plan on getting these materials or information?


We need another WB Mason box and sizors as well as the information about which other project we will be documenting. Once we have these two items I will be able to complete the final documentation.